9th Grade Portfolio
Your work in your portfolios should have a minimal amount of errors. It should not have corrections. All work must be typed. You must show pride in your work and you must decorate (illustrate) your pieces.
- How I See Myself as a Writer
- My Autobiography
- “I Am” poem
- Text-based response writing about one central idea and one literary element or technique
- Compare New York City Department of Education’s view on what true education should do to Sydney J. Harris’ view
- I am an oyster or a sausage? Why?
- Describe one of the characters from stage 2 or 3 of “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” in full detail. Use evidence from the text in your description. Explain your evidence by drawing conclusions about the character in a well-developed paragraph.
- Write an evidence-based paragraph about how the epigraph relates to Stage 1
- Evidence-based paragraph based on Claudette’s tone in “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”
- Did the narrator in “The Tell-Tale Heart” imagine the entire incident and never kill the man” Use details from the story to support your opinion.
- Argumentative essay: Should parents pressure their children to accept their religion?
- I-Search Report based on a medical condition/illness
- A first-person essay written from the point of view of Steve Harmon’s mother or father about the pain that she/he is feeling about seeing her/his son in prison
- The Masks that we Wear: why do we wear masks?
- Write a first person account from the point of view of Steve’s mother, father, or brother Jerry about his/her feelings about Steve’s situation (Monster).
- Write a letter from Steve to Jerry advising him about what he should do that he does not end up in the same predicament as you[Steve]. Write from the first person point of view.